Update now to version 2.0.1

The first update for the recently published version 2 reached today the app store. We changed the following: FIX: loading/refreshing episode (pull to refresh) FIX: seasons scroll position on show view FIX: rating of shows and episodes FIX: remove cache at sign out...

Version 2.0: Update now!

Some of you reported already the issue, that the current version of TraktIt is not longer working. This is caused by the relaunch of Trakt itself: Trakt v2. Today the new version of TraktIt reached the App Store. Please update now and continue tracking you show...

Version 2 launches soon

The new version of TraktIt will launch soon. We’re currently waiting for review on the Apple App-Store. Until you’re waiting for the new release, you can take a look at some new...